Q: 需要潛水牌才能學習自由潛水嗎?
A: 不需要,報讀自由潛水課程只需要身體健康並能夠游泳200米。
Q: 初學者可以報讀什麼課程?
A: 初學者可以直接報讀 Wave 1 課程,課程包括理論、泳池、出海課堂,循序漸進。
Q: 最多可以幾人一齊報名?
A: 四人。如四人同行可以進行私人班模式上課,時間更加彈性。
Q: 一個人可以報名嗎?
A: 可以,你將會和其他學員一同上課,一班的人數為二至四人。你亦可以藉此機會認識潛伴,一同享受自由潛水。
Q: Molchanovs 是什麼? 與其他課程有何不同?
A: Molchaovs課程內容比傳統課程更加深入,對於技術細節要求比其他課程更高,並且在初階課程中也加入以往進階課程才能涉及的內容。例如 WAVE 1 課程中包含了無蹼動態平潛技術 (Dynamic No Fin Techniques) ,可視化心理技巧 (Visualisation);WAVE 2 課程中包含單蹼豚踢技巧(Monofin Technique)、正念冥想(Mindfulness),這些都是成為精英自由潛水員的必備技術。 初級課程的考核要求大致相同,Molchanovs 證書國際認可。 Molchanovs與其他教育系統獨特之處在於對訓練的注重。在完成任何Molchanovs課程後,你都將會得到相應等級的完整訓練計畫,包括陸上、泳池、出海、平壓和放鬆的訓練方向。訓練計劃由世界頂尖自由潛水運動員及教練編寫,帶領學生持續進步。
Q: 畢業率是否很低?
A: 大約有60%的學員能在課程內課堂成功考取 Wave 1 證書,其他學員在補考後也會進步,能夠突破自我的極限。只要有恆心,並且付出適當努力,一定能通過考核。
Q: 需要準備什麼裝備?
A: 個人裝備包括面鏡、呼吸管、3mm或以上防寒衣。另外需要準備套腳式蛙鞋。
Q: 課程會提供裝備租借嗎?
A: 個人裝備因衛生考慮不能提供租借;我們可以提供租用蛙鞋,請向你的教練查詢。
Q: 完成課程後可以參加訓練嗎?
A: 可以,教練會為你制定合適的訓練計畫,幫助你成為更好的自由潛水員。 你亦可以參加我們提供的恆常基礎訓練,與其他學員共同進步。
Course Registration
Q: Do I need a diving license to learn to freedive?
A: No, a diving license is not required to enroll in the freediving course. You only need to be in good health and be able to swim 200 meters.
Q: What courses can beginners enroll in?
A: Beginners can directly enroll in the Wave 1 course, which includes theory, pool and open water sessions, taught step by step.
Q: How many people can register at the same time?
A: The maximum number of people per course is four. Private classes are also available for groups of up to four people, allowing for more flexible scheduling.
Q: Can I sign up alone?
A: Yes, individuals can enroll in group classes with 2-4 students per course. This is also a great opportunity to meet other freediving enthusiasts and make new friends.
About the Course
Q: What are Molchanovs? How is it different from other courses?
A: Molchanovs courses offer in-depth and technical training that sets them apart from traditional courses. Wave 1 includes Dynamic No Fins techniques and Visualization, while Wave 2 covers Monofin techniques and Mindfulness. These are essential skills for becoming an elite freediver. The assessment requirements for entry-level courses are the same, and the Molchanovs certification is internationally recognized. What makes Molchanovs unique is the emphasis on training. After completing any Molchanovs course, you will receive a complete training plan for the corresponding level, including guidance on land, pool, sea, flat press and relaxation. This training plan is written by the world's top freediving athletes and coaches to help students make continuous progress.
Q: Is the completion rate low?
A: Approximately 60% of students successfully obtain the Wave 1 certification in class. Other students can still improve and break through their own limits after a makeup exam. With perseverance and effort, passing the test is achievable.
Before Your Course
Q: What equipment do I need to prepare?
A: Personal equipment includes masks, snorkels, and 3mm or thicker wetsuits. In addition, foot-style fins are required.
In the theory class, the instructor will provide guidance on appropriate equipment.
Q: Will the course provide equipment rental?
A: Personal equipment cannot be rented due to hygiene concerns, but fins can be rented. Please check with your instructor.
After Completing the Course
Q: Can I participate in training after completing the course?
A: Yes, the instructor will create a suitable training plan for you to help you become a better freediver. You can also participate in our regular basic training to continue making progress alongside other students.
We look forward to seeing you in our upcoming freediving courses! If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.